Cleanliness of animals and equipment
In this part of our guide, we discuss how it is important to have standard procedures for cleaning a variety of different elements in the production facility. In every milk production facility, there should be standard control measures, making sure that for every time an animal is milked, the following will be cleaned: teats, udders, adjacent parts, hands, contact surfaces, milking equipment. Read more about cleaning and disinfecting equipment in this part of the guide.
How to design
equipment for dairy production
This article differs from the rest in that it focuses on how equipment for milking facilities can be designed with an eye for hygiene. For instance, it is important to design the equipment so that the cleaning staff has easy access to clean the equipment. It is also important that all parts are designed so that they are liquid-free or “self-draining”. This means that liquid will not be contained anywhere which prevents growth in bacteria. All in all, the article stresses how important it is to design equipment – and dairy production facilities – with hygiene at the base. For more info check out NHKMachineryParts.
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How to ensure hygiene in
dairy production
Welcome to our guide practical guide on how to ensure hygiene in dairy production.
Hygiene in dairy production is becoming increasingly important. Hygiene – or lack thereof – can cause severe consequences for the consumers and for the companies providing the products.
Furthermore, consumers of today demand more quality, less preservatives and freshness in their products. In order to meet these consumer needs, the production facilities need to rethink their production because less preservatives for instance may mean higher sensitivity to contamination of the product.
Take a look around this site to go through some of the more important considerations for how to make sure that a dairy production is hygienic. A good place to start is to think “hygiene” from start to finish – to make hygiene a “built in” feature of the entire production in such a way that hygiene nearly takes care of itself.
Legislation and sources
of contamination
This article gives an overview of the guide – some of the areas that we will go through such as hygiene, safety, contaminants and food contact materials. Furthermore, you will be introduced to best practices in dairy production. In addition, we will make mention of some EU legislation that is important for food hygiene, and finally, we will discuss where contamination of milk comes from. This will be a point of our interest during the rest of the guide.

Contamination sources
risks and precautions
In this article, we give you an overview of the different sources of contamination that are relevant to identify – and try to avoid. Some of these are feces from the animals, bacteria from unsanitary practices such as employees forgetting to wash their hands, abnormalities in the milk itself or maybe foreign elements, materials or bodies from the machinery or from insects or animal hair. In this article, we also give a brief overview of how to minimize the risks of milk contamination.
GamHygiene in dairy production through hygienic milking practices
In this part of our guide, we will focus on animal cleanliness as a means to avoid contamination risks in dairy production facilities. Animal cleanliness is – just like animal health – at the very base of a hygienic dairy production facility. This part of the guide stresses the importance of clear work procedures for maintaining the required level of animal cleanliness. And it discusses how to build hygiene into the very design fabric of the production.